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Type French characters like a charm!

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Frenchar is a Windows utility written in AutoHotkey. It helps you input special French characters faster and easier.


While typing, Frenchar makes auto replacements for you, so that you can “type out” special French characters (French accents and French ligature) using regular QWERTY keyboards.

Typing french characters using Frenchar

Comparing to other solutions, Frenchar has the following advantages:

Quick Reference

L’accent aigu (é)

Type Get
e// é

L’accent grave (à, è, ù)

Type Get
a\\ à
e\\ è
u\\ ù

L’accent circonflexe (â, ê, î, ô, û)

Type Get
a^^ or a66 â
e^^ or e66 ê
i^^ or i66 î
o^^ or o66 ô
u^^ or u66 û

Le tréma (ë, ï, ü)

Type Get
e:: or e;; ë
i:: or i;; ï
u:: or u;; ü

La cédille (ç)

Type Get
c,, ç

Le e dans l’o (œ)

Type Get
oe-- œ


You can download the compiled standalone executable Frenchar.exe here. No installation required.

Alternatively, you can download the source code and run the script Frenchar.ahk having AutoHotkey installed.

Please be aware that you may get a popup message from Windows SmartScreen when running the executable. The message would state that “Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting.” This is totally normal. It takes some time for a new certificate, like the one that Frenchar is using, to get recognized. Nevertheless, Frenchar is free and minimal and contains no malware of any kind. Feel free to do a virus scan if you are worried!

To run Frenchar from Windows SmartScreen, click on the “More info” link and then click on the “Run anyway” button.
Run Frenchar from Windows SmartScreen: Click on the "More info" link and then click on the "Run anyway" button.


Frenchar is available under the MIT License.
Frenchar icon made by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed by CC 3.0 BY.